Who We Are

We Are Built for Events

Events Direct is the only shipping company designed specifically to serve the events industry. We are equipped from the ground up to meet the needs of event marketing companies. From live events to experiential marketing tours, from product promotions to sampling tours, we know you need a shipping company that is dependable and flexible. We handle all your special requests and we deliver on time, every time, so you have what you need to make your event a success.

We Are Built on Experience

For over 20 years, Events Direct has been the premier shipping and logistics provider for events and marketing campaigns. Our clients depend on us and we don’t disappoint them. Our staff has a combined total of over 60 years of warehousing, shipping, inventory management, fulfillment and event marketing experience. We love what we do. We’d love to work with you. Give us a call and we’ll prove it.

We Are Built for Convenience

We’re really just down-home Midwesterners, but that works to our advantage…and yours. Our central Midwest location makes the whole shipping and logistics process convenient. We provide over 125,000 square feet of warehousing and storage facilities at our offices in St. Louis, Missouri, as well as dedicated training space for pre-event team training. Quit shipping your stuff from one end of the country to the other; let us ship for your next event and save yourself money, time, and hassle.

We are Built for Flexibility

There’s a common problem with shipping folks; we admit it. Shipping people like to have everything just so: plans, schedules, addresses, all that information that you don’t always have. Planning an event is a dance with details, last-minute changes, and unpredictable factors. We get that. We like plans, sure. But we like flexibility even more. Try us. We’ll dance the dance with you.

Call Us Today - We Look Forward to Talking With You

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